نحل يضع بيضه في قوقعة الحلزون
نحل بري يضع بيضه في قوقعة حلزون ثم يغلق عليها لمدة من الزمن و بعدما تفقص البيضة تخرج يرقة تتغذى على حبوب اللقاح و الرحيق الموجود بالداخل حتى تصبح حشرة كاملة أي نحلة تخرج للطبيعة وهذا النوع يمتص الرحيق من الازهار و يجمع حبوب اللقاح مثله مثل نحل العسل.
Wild bees lay their eggs in a snail shell and then close them for a period of time. After the egg hatches, a larva feeds on pollen and nectar inside, until it becomes a complete insect, which is a bee that comes out of nature. This kind absorbs the nectar from flowers and collects pollen like honey bees.
Wild bees lay their eggs in a snail shell and then close them for a period of time. After the egg hatches, a larva feeds on pollen and nectar inside, until it becomes a complete insect, which is a bee that comes out of nature. This kind absorbs the nectar from flowers and collects pollen like honey bees.